
A health plan, complementary and affordable

Everyone is concerned about his health
Good to keep as long as possible. At the slightest alarm, we rush to the doctor, pharmacy, we take medicine, 'pills' to heal ourselves, to heal, recover healthy.

However, there are simple ways and common sense to prevent the disease.

At a lower cost .... And taking pleasure ....

An illustration: when you travel by car, plane, like you arrive at your destination without incident, you control levels, tire pressure, ... Before each flight the aircraft are inspected, maintained .. before failure before the accident

Your body as a car, a plane ... more complex!

This is the same process for your body than for your car: Preventive maintenance is less expensive than repair.

The worst enemy of our body has a name: free radicals! And the element responsible: Oxygen

In biology, the term free radical is used to describe the reactive derivatives of oxygen (reactive oxygen species: ROS), or 'oxygen free radicals' or' derived reactive oxygen species. " It is a specific class of radicals. Examples are: the superoxide radical O2 • -, hydroxyl radical HO •, peroxide radicals (ROO •), the alkoxy radical (RO •) wherein R is a carbon chain

To counteract this oxidative action of free radicals our body needs antioxidants
A major source is provided by selected foods,
Here is an example:

Tomato salad with antioxidants

ingredients Ripe tomatoes (lycophene, vit C, vitamin E, minerals)
Shallots (carotene, cysteine, ac. Pyruvic antimicrobial) 
Parsley ( vit A,B,C,D,Apiol)
Turmeric (flavanoids, see article) 
 Pepper (sea salt) 
Walnut oil (linoleic acid (omega 6), alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3)
 Lemon (Vit C, flavanoids)
Cut the tomatoes into slices or quarters depending on size Chop finely the shallot and parsley Sprinkle turmeric and pepper (salt) Drizzle some tablespoons walnut oil and lemon juice 

 Let stand a few minutes (the time of setting the table) 
Preparation time: 10 min 

This menu will definitely help you to balance your body needs to stay healthy 

Note: If you do not have turmeric, you can replace it with Protandim 

click here  to get  Protandim 


A Tomato salad .. this replaces many pills ...

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Latin name: Lycopersion enculentum; Family: Solanaceae

 Annual herbaceous plant with divided leaves and fragrant yellow flowers and in stars. She is part of the Solanaceae family as the potato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco.


The tomato is native to the Peruvian Andes and Mexico where the Incas cultivated long before Columbus. The original tomato was the size of a cherry with the Aztec name of "tomalt." It still exists in the wild in Mexico. The conquering Spaniards reported in Europe. From 1544, the writings of some Mathiolus. give him a reputation as an aphrodisiac to which it owes its name of "love apple." The Italians adopted and named "pomo d'oro". They began to eat from the 16em century, while other European countries, cultivated as an ornamental plant, still treat it as poisonous because of his kinship with belladonna and tobacco. At the end of the eighteenth century in Italy, she began to be cultivated on a large scale for the first feed manufacturing tomato sauce. It is finally the early twentieth century it spread through the temperate regions of the world to finally conquer …America, the country of origin! Total production now exceeds 70 million tonnes and in fact the vegetable most consumed fruit in the world.

Parts used: fruit.

Main components:

The fruit contains 90% water, 3-4% of various sugars, a small amount of proteins, lipids and organic acids. It is rich in vitamins A and C. Fruit color is due to pigments, including carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, lutein and lycopene (vivid red pigment close to the carotene).

Components (g/100g)
Carbohydrate 2.80; Proteins 0.80; Fat 0.10; Water 94.0, Dietary Fiber 1.20

  Vitamins (mg/100g)
Vitamin C (ascorbic Acts) 18.00; Provitamin A (carotene) 0.60, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 0.04; Vitamin B3 or PP (nicotinamide) 0.60, Vitamin B5 (Acts panothénique) 0.280; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.080; Vitamin B8 (biotin) 0.001; Vitamin B9 (folic Acts) 0.020, Vitamin E (tocopherols) 1000

 Minerals (mg/100g)
Phosphorus 24.00; Calcium 9.0; Magnesium 11.00; Sulfur 11.00; Sodium 5.00; Chlorine 51.00; Bore 0.10;Iron  0.50, Copper 0.06; Zinc 0.14; Manganese 0.110; Nickel0.023; Cobalt 0.009; Chrome 0.005; Fluorine 0.024 ;Iodine 0.002
  * Average composition per 100 g net

Fruit color is due to pigments, including carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, lutein and lycopene (vivid red pigment close to the carotene).

By transgenic techniques, various proteins such as alpha interferon, erythropoietin, serum albumin, antibodies, protein envelopes of viruses, toxins, have been produced by the tomato

The main active ingredients


• Powerful antioxidant.
• Regulates cholesterol, cardiovascular protective.
• Protects the digestive system.
• Protects the skin from UV and pollution
• Stimulates the immune system
Lycopene is the main carotenoid of tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum). The carotenoid composition and concentration are highly dependent on the tomato variety and maturity of the fruit.

Lycopene in tomato juice
Lycopene in tomato cells

An article will be devoted

Vitamin C

The human body can store a portion of this vitamin when his food intake is high. Blood levels of vitamin C is 2 to 7 mg / l.
The food industry uses the L-ascorbic acid as an antioxidant under reference E300 (europe). It is a reducing agent which reacts with the oxygen in the air. This prevents the oxygen to oxidize other organic molecules, which cause rancidity (bad taste) or a change in color (browning) (Multimedia Encyclopedia Universalis, 1998).

  The tocopherol (vitamin E)

Vitamin anti-infertility, essential for the immune, muscular and nervous systems through its large antioxidant properties, it is also involved in various phases of metabolism: protection Non Saturated Fatty Acids. It also has a protective effect against cancer, cancer of the prostate and cancer of the intestinal tract. (Mr. Gerber, 1999)
This is a molecule of formula C31H52O3 (phenolic function)
Vitamin E is the third antioxidant tomato (after lycopene and ascorbic acid). It is exclusively present in tomato seeds. (Grolier, 2000). Vitamin E in its a-tocopheryl succinate, contributes to the fight against the proliferation of cancer cells by inducing the specific phenomena of apoptosis in these (J Neuzil et al, 2000).
Polyunsaturated acids constituting the phospholipids of cell membranes are exposed to oxidation and peroxidation to producing, toxic derivatives. Protecting polyunsaturated acids is effective for a suitable quantitative relationship of the order of 1 mg of vitamin E per gram of polyunsaturated acid ingested (Pascaud M., 1998)


Une salade de tomates, cela remplace beaucoup de … pilulles

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Nom latin : Lycopersion enculentum ; Famille : Solanacées

Plante annuelle herbacée à feuilles divisées et odorantes et à fleurs jaunes en étoiles. Elle fait partie de la famille des solanacées comme la pomme de terre, le piment, l'aubergine, le tabac.

Histoire : 

La tomate est originaire des Andes péruviennes et du Mexique où les Incas la cultivaient bien avant Christophe Colomb. La tomate originelle était de la taille d'une cerise portant le nom aztèque de " tomalt ". Elle existe encore à l'état sauvage au Mexique. Les conquérants Espagnols la rapportèrent en Europe.
 Dès 1544, les écrits d'un certain Mathiolus. lui donnent une réputation d'aphrodisiaque à laquelle elle doit son nom de " pomme d'amour ". Les Italiens l'adoptèrent et la nommèrent " pomo d'oro ". Ils commencèrent à la consommer dès le 16em siècle ,alors que les autres pays européens, la cultivaient comme plante ornementale, la considérant encore comme vénéneuse à cause de son cousinage avec la belladone et le tabac. A la fin du XVIIIe siècle, en Italie, elle commence à être cultivée à grande échelle pour alimenter les premières usines de fabrication de sauce tomate. Ce n'est finalement qu'au début du XXe siècle qu'elle se répand à travers les régions tempérées du monde pour reconquérir finalement l'Amérique, son pays d'origine ! La production totale actuelle dépasse 70 millions de tonnes et en fait le légume-fruit le plus consommé du monde.

Parties utilisées : le fruit. 

Principaux constituants :
Le fruit contient 90 % d'eau, 3 à 4 % de sucres divers, une faible quantité de protides de lipides et acides organiques. Il est riche en vitamines A et C. La coloration du fruit est due à des pigments, notamment du carotène, précurseur de la vitamine A, de la xanthophylle et du lycopène (pigment rouge vif proche du carotène).

Composants (g/100g)
Glucides 2.80 ; Protides 0.80 ; Lipides 0.10 ; Eau 94.0 ; Fibres alimentaires 1.20
 Vitamines (mg/100g)
Vitamine C (ac. ascorbique) 18.00 ; Provitamine A (carotène) 0.600 ; Vitamine B1 (thiamine) 0.060 ;Vitamine B2 (riboflavine) ;0.040 ; Vitamine B3 ou PP (nicotinamide) 0.600 ; Vitamine B5 (ac. panothénique)  0.280 ; Vitamine B6 (pyridoxine) 0.080 ; Vitamine B8 (biotine) 0.001 ; Vitamine B9 (ac. folique) 0.020 ; Vitamine E (tocophérols) 1.000

Minéraux (mg/100g)
Phosphore 24.00 ; Calcium 9.000 ; Magnésium 11.00 ; Soufre 11.00 ; Sodium 5.000 ; Chlore 51.00 ;Bore 0.100 ; Fer 0.500 ; Cuivre 0.060 ; Zinc 0.140 ; Manganèse 0.110 ; Nickel 0.023 ; Cobalt 0.009 ; Chrome 0.005 ; Fluor 0.024 ; Iode 0.002
 Composition moyenne * pour 100 g net
La coloration du fruit est due à des pigments, notamment du carotène, précurseur de la vitamine A, de la xanthophylle et du lycopène (pigment rouge vif proche du carotène).

Par les techniques transgéniques, diverses protéines comme l’interféron alpha, l’érythropoïétine, l’albumine sérique, des anticorps, des enveloppes protéiques de virus, des toxines, ont été produites par la tomate

Principaux principes actifs

 le Lycopène :

· Puissant antioxydant.
· Régularise le taux de cholestérol, protecteur cardio-vasculaire.
· Protège le système digestif.
· Protège la peau des effets UV et de la pollution
· Stimule le système immunitaire
Le lycopène est le principal caroténoïde du fruit de la tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum). La composition en caroténoïdes et leur concentration sont hautement dépendantes de la variété de tomate et de la maturité du fruit.
Un article lui sera consacré

La vitamine C

L’organisme humain peut stocker une partie de cette vitamine lorsque son apport alimentaire est élevé. La teneur du sang en vitamine C est de 2 à 7 mg/l.
L'industrie agroalimentaire utilise l'acide L-ascorbique comme antioxydant sous la référence E300. C'est un réducteur qui réagit avec le dioxygène de l'air. Il empêche ainsi le dioxygène d'oxyder d'autres molécules organiques, ce qui provoquerait un rancissement (mauvais goût) ou un changement de couleur (brunissement) (Encyclopédie Universalis Multimédia, 1998).

 Le Tocophérol (vitamine E)

Vitamine de l’anti-stérilité, indispensable pour le système immunitaire, musculaire et nerveux, grâce à ses grandes propriétés d’anti-oxydant, elle intervient aussi dans différentes phases du métabolisme : protection des Acides Gras Non Saturés. Elle protège aussi contre le cancer de la prostate et du tractus intestinal. (Gerber M., 1999)
C’est une molécule de formule C31H52O3 à fonction phénolique
La vitamine E est le troisième anti-oxydant de la tomate (après le lycopène et l’acide ascorbique). Elle est exclusivement présente dans les graines de tomate. (Grolier, 2000).La vitamine E, sous sa forme a-tocophéryl succinate, participe à la lutte contre la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses en induisant spécifiquement les phénomènes d’apoptose dans ces dernières (Neuzil J et al, 2000).
Les acides polyinsaturés constituant les phospholipides des membranes cellulaires sont exposés aux réactions d’oxydation et de peroxydation produisant des dérivés toxiques. La protection des acides polyinsaturés est effective pour une relation quantitative convenable, de l’ordre de 1mg de vitamine E par gramme d’acide polyinsaturé ingéré (Pascaud M., 1998)



Blood Analysis : The interpretation of norms and values: COMMON SENSE

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- In Caucasian populations of the Mediterranean world, there are 85% of individuals with dark hair, 15% with light hair.
To an outside observer, individuals with light hair, might be considered 'unconventional', and should color their hair!
 - In Caucasian populations the Scandinavian world, there are 85% of individuals with light hair, 15% with dark hair. 
To an outside observer, individuals with dark hair, could be considered 'unconventional', and should to bleach their hair!
- A person aged 80 with dark hair....should be bleach hair because the populations of 80 years have gray hair!!!


Yet it is a rough illustration of the interpretation of standards for normal values of blood parameters!

Let me be clear! The aim of this paper is to examine and ask reflection on values, limits, results in the limit of 'exacting standards' or 'borderline'. Where, only one parameter is highlighted, without clinical schedule.
These results often appear during a routine check, not justified by a particular disease
Frankly abnormal results reinforced by other symptoms must be treated with the utmost seriousness!

In control tests, the parameter most often highlighted is ... cholesterol!

Reinforced by the opinions of the doctor ... it does not commit to anything you say to watch your diet ... he knows that 99 percent of the time, you go and say you eat poorly.
And ... your doctor will advise you, or prescribe medication....

Before taking these drugs:
Some questions to ask you:
Is this the first time?
What were your previous values?
How have they evolved?
What are the values of your parents?
What are your eating habits?
Under which conditions the sample has been collected?

Because you should know that these compounds ; Statins and Fibrates ;are not safe! They have side-effects!

These side effects are more important and more dangerous than your cholesterol a little 'high'!
Recent studies tend to show that the action of these drugs is unrelated to the incidence of deaths caused by cholesterol!

Instead, these molecules, one after the other, are criticized by the medical profession because of side effects.

... between 1994 and 2006, the percentage of men aged 65 to 74 with "high cholesterol" fell from 87% to 54% ... Despite this, the rate of coronary heart disease in this age group remained almost identical!

The American Heart Association recommends that your total cholesterol is less than 200 mg / dL, but what they do not tell you is that total cholesterol is about worthless in determining your risk of heart disease, if not above 330.
In addition, the AHA updating their guidelines in 2004, lowering the recommended level of LDL from 130 to less than 100 or less than 70 for patients at very high risk.

Many of the scientists who helped develop the guidelines even admitted that the scientific evidence supporting the less than-70 recommendation was not very convinced. American Heart Association (23 January 2006)

Eight of the nine doctors on the team that developed the new lines cholesterol guidelines had been paid by pharmaceutical companies that manufacture statin cholesterol-lowering drugs. (American Heart Association, "What Your Cholesterol Level Means,)


In 1987, in the Journal of the American Medical Association Framingham Study investigators reported these two important findings:
 1) Over age 50 there is no increased overall mortality with either high or low serum cholesterol levels,
2) In people with a falling cholesterol level (over the first 14 years of the study), for each 1% mg/dl drop in cholesterol there was an 11 percent increase in all-cause mortality over the next 18 years. (JAMA 1987;257:2176-2180)

note: this is based on this study that the 'big Pharma "have developped cholesterol myth!!!!

 Cholesterol is a natural substance, present in every cell membrane in our bodies and is essential for normal cell function. It’s also a basic building block of many essential hormones in your body, as well as vitamin D. So the mainstream's old adage that cholesterol is all bad is only misguided!
Since Big Pharma and the mainstream medias has left no stone unturned in convincing people that Statins Therapy is the only effective way to protect their heart health,

From to the latest results from an Australian study, this may very well come as a surprise to you...
Australian researchers analyzed the results of 14 international studies, over the past 55 years, which looked at the heart protective benefits of lycopene. Lycopene is the powerful antioxidant that gives ripe tomatoes their bright red color. Previous research has already shown that it’s essential for good health, since it helps lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes.  Lycopene have the same  potency as statins against cholesterol levels... but  is natural!

In conclusion, a little common sense!
 - Ask your doctor about the balance between the result a bit limited and the risk of side effects of medication

The reality , it is that the Big Pharma’s profit-driven plan to flood the market with dangerous drugs, like cholesterol-lowering statins, that cause a wide range of dangerous side effects like muscle pain, liver dysfunction, kidney failure, depression and cancer to name but a few...
Nobody died from eating tomatoes!!

 We also want to alert people to the fact that cholesterol is not the villain the mainstream medias are trying to make it out to be — one of the many myths



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I'm not talking about recreational use, but just the medical properties of CANABIS SATIVA  L. ( more than 100 species)
Indeed, this plant unfairly blacklisted, is revealed to be most useful


The botany of Cannabis sativa L.
Hemp is a weed that is characterized more by what is ignores of its biology, than what we know. Adaptable to many climates, there is little that the North Pole or in the humid tropics that hemp refuses to grow. Species not stabilized, highly traveling, enjoying an amazing ecological flexibility.
the Chinese expression for hemp,
 is a pictograph of two plants under a shelter
. The use of cannabis, has been shown to go back at least 
10,000 years in Taiwan
Leaves and dried flowers are what is marijuana, but they were also used, with roots in the preparation of many drugs. The oldest known book of pharmacology (the Pên ts'ao-Ching) written 4000 years ago in China, prescribe marijuana preparations for the treatment of malaria, beriberi, constipation, rheumatic pains, the concern, and "female disorders" 
(probably menstrual cramps). For thousands of years, doctors and healers worldwide Cannabis preparations prescribed for various diseases until the 19th century when the Cannabis began to be replaced by aspirin. Legal text of 1937 outlawed Cannabis and ended the ability of doctors to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes in the USA. (Note: remember the date and 1935 presidential  campaign !)

Non therapeutics uses

It was used as ... weapon
Cannabis was used as a truth serum by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a US government  intelligence agency formed during World War II. In the early 1940s, it was the most effective truth drug developed at the OSS labs at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital; it caused a subject "to be loquacious and free in his impartation of information."
It may be one of the reasons it is blacklisted by our politicians ...

Therapeutics uses

To date, given the evolution of scientific knowledge in the field of cannabinoids, the medical use of cannabis becomes increasingly tolerated and even legal in a growing number of countries, Canada, Belgium, Australia the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Spain ..

Cannabinoids include many related chemicals: cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabigerol, cannabivarin, cannabicyclol and 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC. Numerous behavioral responses observed suggest the existence of a variety of central and peripheral targets.
THC acts on the human body by activating a receptor carried by the cells (CB1 or CB2). The CB1 receptor is found primarily in the brain, whereas CB2 receptors are present on immune cells.
The effectiveness mainly attributed to Cannabidiol CBD, which aims CB2 receptors involved in the modulation of the immune system. The intestines are known to contain a high density of CB2 receptors.


Breast cancer

CB2 receptor

  THC and a synthetic CB2 receptor agonist (JWH-133) reduced the development of a tumor and the number of lung metastases of a certain type of breast CANCER mice (ErbB2-positive breast CANCER) . This type of breast CANCER is very aggressive and does not respond well to existing therapies. The researchers concluded that "these results provide a strong preclinical evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based therapies in cases of breast ErbB2-cancer.

Caffarel MM, et al. Mol CANCER 2010, 9 (1): 196. http://www.molecular-cancer.com/content/9/1/196/

Colon cancer:

According to a study conducted at the Institute for Digestive Diseases of Bari, Italy, the endocannabinoid anandamide reduced the level of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) in colon cancer cells and stops the growth of cancer cells. These effects were observed via CB1 receptors. Polyamines are compounds that play an important role in cell proliferation.

 Effects of anandamide on polyamine levels and cell growth in human colon cancer cells.Linsalata M, et al. Anticancer Res 2010 30 (7) :2583-9.). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20682986

Cancer of the bile duct

An experiment conducted on cells at Rangsit University in Patumthani, Thailand, showed that THC inhibits effects on cancer cells of the bile duct. This natural cannabinoid inhibited the proliferation, migration, invasion and induces apoptosis of cancer cells. It reduced tumor cell survival. The cells were taken from patients and had cancer by cannabinoid receptors.

(Source: Leelawat S, et al. CANCER Invest 2010; 28 (4) :357-63.) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19916793

Oral cancer

  Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, USA, investigated the effects of cannabinoids on pain associated with oral cancer and tumors in cases of cancer in mice. Selective CB1 cannabinoid receptor (ACEA), the selective CB2 cannabinoid receptor (AM1241) and a non-selective cannabinoid (WIN,212-2) reduced the proliferation of cancer cells in a dose-dependent during the experiment cell. All reduced the pain related to cancer (mechanical allodynia). The tumor growth was reduced by the selective activation of the CB2 cannabinoid receptor

(Source: Saghafi N, et al. Neurosci Lett. November 18, 2010.)


 Promising results have been achieved in clinical trials for the cannabis extract Sativex for the treatment of pain associated with advanced cancer who undergo due to inadequate analgesia opiates. This test was conducted by Otsuka Pharmaceutical. The lead researcher, Dr. Russell K. Portenoy, Chairman, Department of Palliative Care and drugs against pain at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. Preliminary results show that this study meets the key objectives and it provides information about the effectiveness and safety in Phase III clinical trials.


Bone Disorders
A number of recent preclinical studies have demonstrated the potential role of cannabinoids and their receptors in bone metabolism. Pharmacological and genetic modulation of cannabinoid receptors indicate that cannabinoid ligands may provide attractive and novel agents for the treatment of bone diseases.
The role of cannabinoid receptors in regulating bone mass, bone loss and bone cell function in health and disease. cannabinoid receptor ligands show a great promise in the treatment of bone diseases associated with accelerated osteoclastic bone resorption including osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and bone metastasis
Role of Cannabinoid Receptors in Bone Disorders: Alternatives for Treatment http://journals.prous.com/journals/servlet/xmlxsl/pk_journals.xml_summary_pr?p_JournalId=3&p_RefId=4314&p_IsPs=Y

psychiatric symptoms
Improvement of mood in reactive depression has been observed in several clinical studies with THC. There are other case reports claiming benefit of cannabinoids in other psychiatric symptoms and diseases, such as sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, and dysthymia

Addictions treatment (alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines)
 Historically case reports of cannabis as a good remedy to fight against the removal of dependence on benzodiazepines, opiates and alcohol. For this reason, some have described as a gateway to stop their addiction. In this context, the reduction of physical withdrawal symptoms and stress-related suppression of drug abuse may play a role in the observed benefits.

Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity
Hyper-impulsivity (agitation, stress adrenaline, crazy legs syndrome): THC is a agonist of the cannabinoid amandamine. It binds to the CB1 receptors present in large numbers in the brain. It stimulates and retrograde signal inhibitor in the synapses. The consequences are a reduction and modulation of neuronal activity, thus having a powerful calming effect

Anorexia nervosa, cachexia (extreme thinness)
In a long-term study of 94 AIDS patients, the appetite stimulating effect with THC continued for months, THC doubled appetite on a visual analogue scale compared with placebo. Patients tend to maintain a stable weight for seven months. A positive influence on the weight has also been reported disk 15 patients with Alzheimer's disease, which previously refused to food ...

Spastic disorders, multiple sclerosis and paraplegia
In many clinical trials with cannabis flowers, a beneficial effect was observed in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis or with spinal cord injury. Other symptoms include pain, paresthesia, tremor and ataxia, there is a positive influence of Cannabis. In some studies, improved bladder control was observed. There is also empirical evidence of a virtue of cannabis in spasticity due to brain damage

in decenie 70, during a systematic investigation of its effects in healthy cannabis users, it has been observed that cannabis reduces intraocular pressure. In the following years, a number of studies in healthy individuals and patients with glaucoma cannabis and several natural and synthetic cannabinoids have been conducted. Cannabis reduces intraocular pressure by an average of 25-30%, sometimes up to 50%. Non-psychotropic cannabinoid, and to a lesser extent, some non-cannabinoid components of cannabis may reduce intraocular pressure

The use in epilepsy is among the oldest indications of cannabis. Experiments on animals have provided evidence of the effects of some cannabinoids contrary. THC has the potential to have an anticonvulsant effect for phenytoin and diazepam. However, cannabis occasionally may precipitate seizures.

Experiences of the anti-asthmatic effect of THC or cannabis date primarily from the 1970s, and are extensively studied. The effects of a cannabis cigarette (2% THC) or oral THC (15 mg), respectively, approximately correspond to those obtained with therapeutic doses of bronchodilator drugs (salbutamol, isoprenaline).

Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation
In a number of pain syndromes secondary to inflammatory processes (for example, ulcerative colitis, arthritis), cannabis may act as a product not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory.

Various other symptoms
Cannabis products often show very good effects in diseases with multiple symptoms that cover the spectrum of THC effects, for example, in harsh conditions that have an inflammatory origin (eg, arthritis), or be accompanied by increased muscle tone (eg, menstrual cramps, spinal cord), or diseases with nausea and anorexia accompanied by pain, anxiety and depression, respectively (eg, AIDS, cancer, hepatitis C) ..
There are a number of reports of patients on medical conditions that can not be easily attributed to these categories, such as itching, hiccups, hypertension, tinnitus, chronic fatigue syndrome, restless legs syndrome, and others. Hundreds of possible indications for cannabis and THC have been described by different authors.